New York City

Communities for Health


Our mission is to prevent HIV/STIs, underage drinking, and substance use through community prevention education, harm reduction resources, and referrals to social/health services to ensure safer cities and healthier futures for Bronx youth ages 13-24.


By addressing historical health injustices for Black and Latinx Bronx communities, we envision breaking barriers of health disparities for the upcoming generation of changemakers so that they are empowered to change the narrative of their lives.

what we do

S.A.F.E.R. Haven Substance, Alcohol, and Family Engagement Resources

S.A.F.E.R. Haven supports the prevention of underage drinking and opioid use among Bronx youth.

We provide prevention education and access to health and social services!

E.T.N. Educate, Test, Navigate

E.T.N. provide education, free testing, and navigation support for Bronx youth living with HIV and/or a substance use disorder (SUD). 

We connect youth to health and social services, and help them stick to treatment!

overdose f.r.e.e. Overdose Fentanyl Resources, Education, and Engagement

Overdose F.R.E.E. provides the NYC community with guidance on how to prevent and respond to an opioid overdose using fentanyl test strips (FTS) and naloxone (NARCAN®) Ready to save lives?

Our Approach


As Bronx youth share their goals and experiences, we offer them resources to meet their individual needs.
The resources we offer to youth include:

Referrals to health and social services

Harm reduction kits and training

Navigation support

Safer sex kits

Rapid HIV testing


We offer harm reduction resources and
opioid overdose prevention
and response training to
provide community members with the knowledge
and tools to prevent and respond to an overdose.

You can save a life by using fentanyl
test strips and
naloxone (NARCAN®)!

Ready to save lives?


We recognize the significant role parents play in their children’s development. Through our parent workshops, we leverage parents’ influence to improve family health. Our workshops provide parents with the knowledge and tools needed to identify and address the first signs of sexual activity, alcohol, and/or substance use among their youth.

We offer workshops in whichever
format that works best for parents!

In-person or online  1-on-1 or group
English or Spanish


Fentanyl Test Strips


Naloxone (NARCAN®)


Overdose Prevention and
Response Trainings


Health and Wellness




Rapid HIV


Youth Linked to
Health Services

upcoming events

November 8, 2022 3-7 PM

HIV testing

Free HIV testing for youth ages 13-24

Complete a rapid HIV test to receive $30!

Complete a Health and Wellness Screener to receive $30!

A $60 total!

To ensure this opportunity is available to as many youth as possible, we can only pay you ONE time.

Attend our HIV testing event to receive ALL the free resources NYCC4H provides to youth!

Monday – Friday

9 AM – 5 PM

(347) 467 – 0505

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