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May Thursday

Cuban publishing house organized meeting with U.S. youths

MATANZAS, Cuba, May 31 (ACN) Cuba’s Ediciones Vigía organized a meeting between local poets and students from Wake Forest University, in North Carolina, U.S.A., and poets from Matanzas; in the exchange, held at the Office of the Curator of this city and marked by Latin American and Anglo-Saxon music and poetry.

“The idea was to link these young people to the city’s cultural life, as well as to enjoy the voice of Anthony, one of the students who came with Professor Linda Howe, a friend of the publishing house,” Vigía director Agustina Ponce Valdés said.

DeVicentis, a young performer from New Jersey who has been traveling to Cuba since 2018 to demonstrate music’s value to cultural ties, sang songs by artists such as Ed Sheeran and Bob Dylan, and also tropical tunes such as Vivir mi vida, by U.S. singer-songwriter of Puerto Rican origin Marc Anthony.

“Coming to Cuba as part of a university program was a new experience to me; relating with local musicians and listening to Latin American poetry was something unique, and I felt welcomed by Ediciones Vigía from day one,· DeVicentis stressed.

Established in 1985, Vigía manufactures books and promotes cultural exchange, as evidenced by its links with Professor Linda Howe, who played a key role in facilitating the visit of Wake Forest students to the city of Matanzas.

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